And I will walk 500 miles, and i will walk 500 more,Adolf Builds a bonfire, Rico plays with it. Remember to eat your cherry pie with Joe in the back of your Geo Metro.

Age 34, Male

Fucken College

Buffalo Grove High School

Chicago, Zimbabwe

Joined on 3/23/05

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15,596 / 16,030
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7.92 votes
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Coat hangers in dicks

Are acceptable.

Take note of this.

Ok, noted.

Thought it was someones thumb on a coat hanger, like they were pressing down on it.

I was wrong.

Wow. I...Wh...I don't know what to say.

Thin metal coat hanger?
Where's the fun in that?
How about we just cut the foreplay and bust out the hooks?

Your not gay.

This is true.

I think it's fake, but hope it's not.

I took that picture.

it took me a good minute to figure out what the hell i was actually looking at.

Stunning, I know.

They're up to 1927 on z0r now

Wait, what the fuck.

Werent they just at 1695?

God. That fucking scared the shit out of me.


They must have put them in yesterday morning or something, I was just randomly going through them and I somehow ended up on 1800 something.

Which was weird because not 2 days before that they just added like 100 more, so I'm like, THEY CAN'T PUT IN 200 THIS QUICK CAN THEY?!@

lmao I thought that was a thumb at first or something.

Man what talent.

Everyone thinks its a thumb.

Little do they know...

I thought it was a thumb till I saw the shaven pubes.

AAHHH!! that looks pretty damn painful

Actually its the best way to get off, at least in my opinion.

You should try it sometime.

Why are you being such an ass? I've been completely cordial with you.

Because you're the kind of 10 year old cum stain that uses "cordial".

Also that word doesn't even fit for this situation.



Actually yes, the word "cordial" is totally appropriate considering that I've yet to flame you.

And why are you calling me immature?

1. Warm and sincere; friendly
2. Strongly felt; fervent: a cordial abhorrence of waste.
3. Serving to invigorate; stimulating.

None of which have yet to be displayed by either party.
Learn to words.

Now I know you may be some 16 year old cum parfait who hasnt yet realized hes displaying the actions of a dumbfounded 2'nd grader, but even at your age you should realize when to say Enough is Enough with this constant inquisitory bullshit as to why I'm treating you like shit.

Which leads me to believe that you are currently suffering from some sort of mental illness. Whether from birth or brought on by your own doing, I can not say nor can I blame you for your stupidity.

For this I apologize, for I am certain the hardships brought on by your mental condition must be straining and often times painful during your day to day, and I have no right to further such treatment online.

Im glad we could have this talk.

I have been warm and sincere with you, I asked you how your day was and such.

I love how you're calling me immature despite your snide remarks.

I have a question, do you have any friends or does everyone think you're insufferable? I've yet to be an ass to you yet you insist on calling me a retard and then like the dumbass hypocrite you are you call me immature.

I kept PMing because I wanted to be nice to you and become friends with you to whatever extent I could.

Go ahead, flame me some more. I don't have to flame back to reduce you to nothing; you're doing that yourself.

You blocked me because your hurt or mad or somthing. What happened?

You dont catch on too quick s I guess I'm gonna have to break this one down.


: I have been warm and sincere with you, I asked you how your day was and such.

Warm and Sincere imply you actually meant the statements youve given as an example with TRUE FEELING, not as a "SNIDE REMARK", which was the intended manner you originally meant. Dont even try to pull that crummy stunt.


I am an insufferable shit and all together hard to be with sort of guy, on the INTERNET. Calling out faggots like yourself gets me hard like none other. You dont need to be an ass to me in order for me to call you out on your stupid shit and your constant stream of replies goes only to further the delight I take in all this.


You kept pming me THREE WORD STATEMENTS that could of simply all been summed up with one message of "I'm a retard who's opening myself to constant verbal attacks, please rape me". No asshole immediately starts messaging the person who just called them a FAGGOT for the purpose of becoming friends, again, what are you, 8? Fuck off.

I also blocked you from that shitty pm system because its much more enjoyable to take this show to a public page. If I were "hurt" or "mad" I wouldn't take the liberty of sending you an invitation to carry on this chat to my own freaking userpage before inevitably blocking you. Your pitiful existence couldn't perturb me enough to make meblock you out of anger even if you tried.

And yes, if you keep coming back here, presenting yourself legs spread and in the air, then I am going to "flame" you. Ill do it until my fingers go numb.

Because I'm "Nothing".
The same Nothing you keep crawling back to for punishment like a beaten pup.

Have a nice day.

I've noticed how long you're taking to respond. Too shocked?

And holy damn you have alot of flash subs.

You cant be this retarded.
You must be dicking around at this point.

If it hasnt occured, unlike apparentIy yourself, I might not be watching my userpage like a hawk, eagerly awaiting the next response as if it were a fucking christmas present.

also, lolyah I do

: Warm and Sincere imply you actually meant the statements youve given as an example with TRUE FEELING, not as a "SNIDE REMARK", which was the intended manner you originally meant. Dont even try to pull that crummy stunt.

You took my asking of your day way out of context.

: Your pitiful existence couldn't perturb me enough to make meblock you out of anger even if you tried.

Yes because your hostility and consistent replies speak volumes.

: I am an insufferable shit and all together hard to be with sort of guy, on the INTERNET.

At this point I think you're compensating for something. Might be intelligence.

: Calling out faggots like yourself gets me hard like none other. You dont need to be an ass to me in order for me to call you out on your stupid shit and your constant stream of replies goes only to further the delight I take in all this.

For a straight man you really do talk alot about gay sex. Did your daddy ever give you a good time when you were little? Did you like it?

: You kept pming me THREE WORD STATEMENTS that could of simply all been summed up with one message of "I'm a retard who's opening myself to constant verbal attacks, please rape me".

Simplicity is bliss.

Also you never had to be hostile to begin with.

: No asshole immediately starts messaging the person who just called them a FAGGOT for the purpose of becoming friends.

Because most people aren't cordial like I am.

: again, what are you, 8?

What are you? A hypocrite?

: Calling out faggots like yourself gets me hard like none other. You dont need to be an ass to me in order for me to call you out on your stupid shit and your constant stream of replies goes only to further the delight I take in all this.

The following says otherwise.

: Fuck off

You see, this gives me the initiative that this flamewar irritates you. If it gives you pleasure to flame me, then why are you telling me to leave?

Because you don't enjoy it. You're pretending because you think you have to prove that you're better then I am by not breaking the continuity of this flame war. You're pathetic.

Your arguments are vapid, your continuity is none existent, your insults are lethargic and you're utterly pathetic.

This is what I ment when I said "I don't have to flame back to reduce you to nothing; you're doing that yourself."

And am I really supposed to believe that you're 19 and in college?

My God.

Does your faggotry know no bounds?

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